Take a look inside, and you'll see how a YORK Stealth unit is
Engineered for Tomorrow.
Specially designed all-copper fittings prevent premature corrosion.
A top-of-the-line solid core filter-drier offers optimum internal
protection. Rippled coil fins are fabricated from hardened aluminum,
and all coils are fashioned from copper tubing for optimum reliability
and performance.

Your new YORK Stealth Series unit is built for years of trouble-free
service. But to set your mind completely at ease, Complete
Buyer Protection, with outstanding limited warranties.
The Twin-Single Compressor has a 10-Year Limited Warranty from
date of installation. All other parts are covered by a One-Year
Limited Warranty. Ask your YORK Dealer for details.
For even more peace of mind, consider extended purchase protection
in the form of a YORKCare™ Comfort Plan. Depending on the plan
you select, a YORKCare Comfort Plan will provide total parts and
labor coverage for up to 10 years.
The Secret's Inside!
Only YORK has taken T-S technology to a new level with
its exclusive Comfort Enhancer™ Control system. It's
a microcomputer that precisely controls first- and second-stage
operation, senses the need for maximum cooling, and moves
the system right to second stage. That eliminates the frequent
cycling that occurs with other systems. Exclusive YORK Beat™
LED flashes continually to indicate precise operation. Four
integrated flash codes quickly and accurately inform service
technicians in the event of a malfunction.